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It’s a Matter of Brand Trust

It’s a Matter of Brand Trust

Where Do We Stand Today? I had the chance to attend A Battle for Truth and Trust last week, an event produced by ANA Chicago Business Marketing. The event featured a look at the results of the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer and the impact on brand trust, presented by Chuck Kaiser: General Manager, Corporate Affairs—Edelman. I’ve watched this annual report carefully over the last 17 years and was very interested to see where this year’s results took…

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Meta Descriptions: What They Are, Why You Need Them

Meta Descriptions: What They Are, Why You Need Them

Proper site Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more than using the right title tags, image captions and keywords. In fact, there’s an essential element in your site that aids click-through: meta descriptions. What are meta descriptions? A meta description is a HTML element less than 160 characters long used to sum up a web page’s content to search engines. Search engines use this feature to let consumers preview what is on a page before they…

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