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Essential WordPress Plugin Guide

Essential WordPress Plugin Guide

We build and work with a lot of WordPress websites, and knowing which plugins to use–and which to avoid–is always an important consideration for our clients and for ourselves as developers. WordPress plugins enable a wide range of functionality, from turning WordPress into a viable e-commerce platform to integrating WordPress with outside services. If you can think of something you want your website to do, there is probably a plugin to make it happen. Too…

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Why WordPress is a Good Idea for Your Website and a WordPress Expert is Even Better

Why WordPress is a Good Idea for Your Website and a WordPress Expert is Even Better

As of January 2024, there are more than 835 million websites that use WordPress, or about 43% of websites world-wide. This ensures that WordPress is well supported by a large, ever-growing community of users, plugin creators, and contributors to the open source WordPress core–the code that runs that platform–and that large network of support, in turn, makes WordPress more dynamic. In 2022, people from 229 different companies contributed to the WP core, mostly from companies…

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